Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Knowing the first post on a blog should be the most creative in order to maintain the reader's interest...I've already failed. I couldn't think of a title worthy enough. Bold or captivating enough. Just the mental weight and obligation in providing 3 or 4 words sequenced together in a such a way that would leave you curious, hungry for more and revisiting 'my space' left me clinging...

Clinging to what? Well, envision how a monkey clings to its mother during infancy, a small child holding their blanket like a protective shield, or an alcoholic who can't admit to their addiction and thus attaches themself to a world blurred by bottles...I'm left clinging to the idea that no title could really serve my first post justice.

On that note, I'm beginning, and closing this entry with an explanation. The meaning of the title of this blog unfolds...

As some of you already recognize, 'Finding Neverland' is the name of a Johnny Depp film. To me though, in this effort to blog/write, to search a city for all its nuances, hole in the wall bars and reveal the discovered in an 'undiscovered' light...it is the title I've chosen to represent time here. I suppose it signifies my attempt to find that place, that thing, that someone which leaves us bursting with joy, feeling weightless&free, and challenged to live our passion and 'career' as one. NYC is deemed the city that never sleeps. It truly is amazing and capable of fulfilling anyone's dreams. People began their life here hundreds of years ago in attempt to 'start over', to have a 'better life'. It is the approach and understanding that so many of us possess upon moving/settling here.

I know a lot of people don't find credence in fantasy-based films, but the title 'Finding Neverland' seemed to fit like a glove...whether or not Peter Pan is believable, I think it's a valid statement to say that globally, we're all searching for a place we can call 'Home'.